greatest love song

i cant seem to find the quote laying around i had. it read something like
we love pop music because it takes the unhappy experiences of love and loss and makes us feel master over them, as if we no longer hurt but are now enjoying this pain and this common bond unites us into feeling better. we need the pain so much that we can not feel good without it, and pop music personifies this in our day to day loves. love that hurts so good. love that we believed we once owned, we all miss 'our baby'

i take a bit of truth in that. we love pop music because of how it attaches to our day to day lives, we kind of all force lyrics to fit into our lives as if the songs about us. and we often do this more with love songs, especially the extremely happy ones/extremely sad ones.

so why do i pick a artsy hard rock band from california for the greatest love song of all time?

the song is from the movie "The Boy Who Could Fly", from wikipedia:
After the suicide of her terminally-ill father, fourteen year old Amelia "Milly" Michaelson loses interest in almost everything around her. But before long, she becomes friends with Eric Gibb, a young autistic neighbor who had lost both of his parents to a plane crash. Together, Eric and Milly find ways to cope with the loss and the pain, as they escape to far away places.
the world of this song is one of pain, loss, and misunderstanding. extreme adversity, extreme grief, just the absolute loss of faith in life. yet the content of the song doesnt shed a tear for its past, it only celebrates her. milly. its not a love song talking about how much he needs her or why they are meant to be together, its not about the first time they met, or the first time he fell in love with her. its about love its self. the air gliding seemlessly around the strum of the guitar, the random bells and piano keys floating by as if they are the stars them self in the sky as milly and eric fly together. the soft spoken approach of the lyrics, curling around the subject matter. the drums marching in slowly and completely underneath the weight of the song, and the chorus just almost sung at a whisper, "i love the night, flying o'er these city lights..but i love you most of all"

here's the bands notes from when they recorded the song:

A Song for Milly Michaelson
Teppei - There's just something about the vibe of our original demos, that we kept liking and wanting to recapture. For this song, we actually dual tracked the looping guitar part. One track onto Protools, and the other into our laptop through its built in mic (the demo was recorded through Ed's laptop). I feel like the track has a very lonely, nostalgic, and intimate feel, which I attribute to the lo-fi quality of the laptop mic, and the fact that nothing was close mic'ed. The windmill like sounds are basically looped drums flipped backwards.
Ed - If I were to sit down and try to write music I would instantly be stumped and frustrated with a lack of inspiration. The acoustic part on this song is the best example of my writing habits: I wrote it in my room already late to be somewhere else. I think my most inspired moments are when I shouldn't be writing; or don't have the time to. Haha... go figure. The wind chimes on this song are actually the chimes I have at my house. I ended up... um... playing them in the studio. I sat there for the duration of the song with chimes in hand, shaking them randomly.
Dustin - The wind sounds on this song are two tracks of me whistling really soft through the whole song. The lyrics to this started writing themselves in my head while I was cleaning the kitchen one day.